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Copy & paste between multiple devices.

Easily copy, paste and transfer text and files from one device to another.

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How it works

Create a session; a space where devices can communicate with each other,
add devices to the session, et voilà! 👌


Create a session

woman on computer

Create a space for devices to copy and paste among each other.


Invite and add other devices

computer deskwomen using smartphone

Invite devices using an auto-generated and unique link. You choose which devices can join the session!


Start sharing, copying and pasting

people communicating via mobile phone

You can now copy & paste or share between these devices, or select the devices to send to.

Distinct features

Multiple devices & users

Copy and paste from your mobile to your desktop and vice versa. You can add any number of devices to a copy-paste session and also invite other users. These users may also have multiple devices in the session.

Unique private sessions

Each session has a unique code. Moreover, you decide who joins the session. You are also free to remove devices and block a session from new devices.

No boundaries

There's no physical boundary as to where devices can be; devices can be in any location. Also, it's blazing fast!

Guaranteed security

You can view all past sessions and transactions in a single click. Because we are there, you do not need to remember your data. Information is what's useful and we help you keep in touch with it!

Consistent history

In addition to the default security, you can add a custom code that will be required for new users. Users without this code won't be granted access.


Because we understand how important your data is, we also provide Two Factor Authentication. This is an extra mile of security which prevents others from impersonating you without your permission.


From our users